
Welcome, I Love Dancing, Singing And Having A Laugh. Thats What This Blog Is About..

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Life At The Moment!!!

I know i said i was going to do lots of post's but i have had lots of homework and completely forgot about my blog. Anyway here is my next blog about what is happening in my life at the moment.(: Enjooy(:

Well first thing to mention-
I have wanted a hamster for ages and finally i might be getting one!!! My mum's friend has three hamsters, 2 boys and 1 girl(Pregnant) and there names are, Mr H, Bruce and Angel. They are going on holiday so i said i would look after them. Then my mum said if i do a good job i might get one of my own!!! (: ;DDD

These Are All The Hamsters.
Top- Mr.H
Middle- Bruce
Bottom- Angel

This Is Mr.H, On Top Of His Cage(:

Bruce, Walking Around. He Has Already Christened My Bed. Only Got
Them Yesterday About 4 :)

And Last But Not Least, Its Angel. We Think She Is Pregnant, I'll Keep You Updated(:

Second Thing Is-
Im Getting My Haircut On Tuesday(: Which Is In A Few Days, And Im Going To Get A Full Fringe, Not To Thick.!!. I Have Wanted One For Age But Didnt Know Wether To Get One. But I Am. Everyday To School I Wear A HeadBand In My Hair So If I Dont Like It Ill Sweep It Back With My Hairband. And When I Want My Hair Down, Make It A Side Fringe Or Clip It Back!!! CANT WAIT!!! <3

Thats How I Want It(:
Like Rachel Berry Off Glee( Lea Michele)

Harry Potter Is Out!!! (: (: (:
Now Me And My Brother Went To Watch The First Part With My Nan And Grandad. It Was Well Good, We Are Also Watching The Second Part With My Nan And Grandad Agaain. My Mum Said We Are Going Next Week. But Then My Brother Said "Yea, Nanny Said Were Going On Monday". Dont Know Wether Its Correct But Cant Wait (: (: (: (: (: (: (:

"harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2"

Thats All But Hope You Like This Post. I Will Keep You More Updated. I'll Create Videos Of Me Dancing(: But Now Im Going To Go And Enjoy the School Holidaaays(: (: (: (: (: (: (: Caaaaauuuuussssseeeeeee---

By Hannah Kershaw(:

Friday, June 17, 2011


Just Joined This Blog, First Post And Probably Wont Be My Last!!! (: